
So here are a few images, that don't even count in a given "category" like my "nature" page among others, they're just a collection of fun images and strange effects that I enjoyed making into pictures and posting online!
So this first one is just fun. I had wanted originally to just capture the moon one night, but this picture made it look like it was behind bars! Guys, I've imprisoned the moon! And you guys thought you could only do that with a shrink ray! Honestly though, the entirely dark surroundings, along with the diagonal of the "bars" (I'll leave you to speculate on how I did that) make it look rather spooky and foreboding. Not to mention, there's a little star on the side poking out. Must've been imprisoned with the moon... poor guys.
Alright, so this one isn't much of "photography." It's just a little surrealistic thing that I drew for fun one day, and I enjoyed it so much, I HAD to include it here. I don't think I did half bad!
This is just super cool. I think ANYONE can see what's going on here, There's a ceiling lamp floating around in the sky at sunset. Or a UFO. yup. That's exactly what happened. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to see something like this, and I was lucky enough to catch it on camera! It's not even digitally edited, this is a raw picture. ;) alright, you know what's really going on. Nonetheless, I'm not going to say it, and you can't make me! 
This... was technically a failure. Yeah, I wasn't trying to put lines in the image. But! It's saved by it's wonderful change of focus. I love the vague outline of the flower in the background, making it look a little bit magical, but what I like the most, is the rip. So... To clarify, I think a rosebush or something caused that rip in the screen, but that's not what I mean. I love how the image seems to lead you to it. It's rather insignificant on its own, but the lines lead up to it, the focus just drags you to look at it... I like it. Plus, you can see tiny "poofs" of snow on each individual wire. Impressive!
This one is included for it's odd, blurry perspective. It looks like there are little Orbeez or something floating around. It's actually just blurred water-lights in the Salt Lake City, Temple Square's reflection pool during Christmas time! I love the vivid reflections of the wall behind it, and the oddity of the image if you don't know what it is! It's a little confusing, but that's what I think is so cool about it!

So there you go! This page is just a random jumble of things that I found fun and interesting to take! 

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